Tuesday, December 31, 2024


The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century led to the rise of capitalism in society. According to the linguist, political activist, and social critic, Noam Chomsky, capitalism is an economic system in which there is more emphasis on profit maximization and the concentration of wealth in private organizations, as compared to societal welfare, democracy, and public accountability.

Capitalism prioritizes corporate interests resulting in social inequality that fosters mental health problems, including alienation. Alienation is a state of estrangement from oneself, from others, from society, or from nature. It is an isolation of individuals with respect to their sense of self, their status within their socio-cultural community, and their sense of control within the world of which they are a part of. The sociologist Melvin Seeman described alienation in five dimensions - powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, isolation, and self-estrangement. According to the clinical psychologist George Albee, capitalism emphasizes individualism and consumerism, which give rise to feelings of disconnection, isolation, and alienation.

Over the years, theorists have suggested how capitalism leads to a sense of alienation in society. The earliest and perhaps the most prominent figures among them is the philosopher, sociologist, political theorist, and economist Karl Marx. Marx, in the mid-19th century, specifically in his work Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, extensively wrote about how the capitalistic system results in a sense of disconnectedness and alienation. He suggested that capitalism is exploitative and that it is rationalized and legitimized as freedom, agency, democracy, and fulfillment.

Karl Marx

According to Marx, because the workers do not own the products that they create, they are not able to get the full benefits of it. Due to this, they are unable to realize the true value of their work. Workers also have no or little say in what they are doing. They are more like machines, viewing their work as a means to an end. This leads to a lack of creativity and personal connection to their work, giving them a feeling of monotony and unfulfillment. The repetitive tasks make individuals disconnected from their own true potential and sense of self. For them, work becomes a means to survive and not something that should be enjoyed, leading to dissatisfaction.

Marx also suggested that capitalism creates a sense of competitiveness among individuals, which prevents cooperation, mutual support, and a sense of community, making individuals feel isolated and disconnected. 

On the whole, according to Marx, capitalism makes the majority of people disconnected and alienated. Individuals feel disconnected from their work, their potential and sense of self, and from each other, giving rise to a sense of alienation in society.

In the 1890s, the sociologist Emil Durkheim also theorized about alienation. Durkheim linked alienation to the concept of anomie that he introduced in 1893 in his work The Division of Labor in Society. According to Durlheim, anomie is a state of instability and disorderliness in society that occurs due to unclear norms. Such a state occurs when there is rapid change in society because of industrialization and capitalism.

Emil Durkheim

Durkheim suggested that in modern, capitalistic societies, social life becomes complex leading to the weakening of social bonds, which makes individuals feel disconnected. It becomes difficult for people to find meaning in a fragmented society. Further, the lack of social integration and social isolation develop a sense of alienation among people in society. Durkheim believed that in modern, capitalistic societies, the lack of shared norms and social bonding leads to the feeling of alienation.

In the early 1900s, the sociologist and political economist, Max Weber suggested how capitalism results in alienation, specifically in his work of 1903, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Weber suggested that capitalism promotes a bureaucratic and impersonal society that leads to a sense of disenchantment. According to Weber, the rise of rationality due to capitalism has led to society becoming efficiency-driven, replacing it with emotion-driven actions.

Max Weber

Weber used the term iron cage to describe how individuals in a capitalistic society feel trapped in a bureaucratic system, which makes them lose their personal freedom leading them to become disconnected from their purpose. The bureaucratic system, according to Weber, makes individuals feel like machines, giving rise to a sense of disconnectedness and alienation.

In a similar vein, the Marxist philosopher, literary historian, and literary critic Gyorgy Lukacs, in the early 1900s, suggested that capitalism develops a sense of alienation among people. In 1923, in his work History and Class Consciousness, Lukacs developed the concept of reification. Reification is the process by which social relationships and human activities become like commodities, under capitalism. This, further, makes individuals view their relationships as mere things, instead of dynamic social interactions.

Gyorgy Lukacs

According to Lukacs, reification causes individuals to be disconnected from their social reality and they lead their life in a passive manner, resulting them to experience a sense of alienation. Thus, Lukacs argues that alienation is directly associated with capitalism. Capitalistic societies commodify human relationships, making people feel alienated within society.

The psychoanalyst and social psychologist Erich Fromm, in his book The Sane Society, published in 1955, argues that alienation is a form of mental illness when individuals lose their sense of purpose and identity in a society that starts valuing material possessions. Fromm argued that alienation stems from giving emphasis to material success, which makes individuals feel isolated, resulting in a sense of dissatisfaction.

Erich Fromm

Fromm was highly influenced by Karl Marx and is often referred to as a Marxist psychologist. Like Marx, Fromm suggested that alienation can be viewed in relation to capitalism, and has written about it from the 1950s onwards. According to Fromm, the rise of capitalism has resulted in feelings of anxiety, isolation, and powerlessness. In capitalistic societies, individuals feel disconnected from their work, each other, and even themselves.

Fromm suggested that every individual has inherent existential needs. These needs are - relatedness (the drive for union with others or the need to form meaningful connections with others), transcendence (the urge to rise above a passive existence), rootedness (the need to develop a sense of belongingness), sense of identity (the need to develop oneself as a separate entity), and frame of orientation (the need to have coherence and meaning in life). Capitalism, according to Fromm, inhibits the fulfillment of the inherent existential needs of individuals. 

Due to capitalism, people give emphasis to consumption, material success, and conformity, which leads to a disconnection from the true self, others, and nature - all of which inhibit the fulfillment of the existential needs, and giving rise to alienation.

Erich Fromm’s theory can be seen as the culmination of the perspectives of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Lukacs. Fromm took instances from their sociological and philosophical perspectives and integrated them to develop his psychological perspective, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of how capitalism leads to experiencing a sense of alienation.

The theoretical perspectives of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Lukacs, and Fromm indicate how socio-economic and political structures can lead to disconnectedness among people, resulting in a sense of meaninglessness, self-estrangement, and powerlessness - aspects of alienation as described by Melvin Seeman. These perspectives have implications in contemporary times, where it has been found that loneliness is highly prevalent to the extent of being called an epidemic.

This article can also be found on the blog - Life and Psychology

1 comment:

  1. All capitalism has ever been able to achieve is increased material abundance. Even when it succeeds at that, it steals a sense of purpose in the work done by the vast majority of people living in capitalist societies. Working for all but a few is a process of performing tasks to fulfill the goals of someone else. Workers merely go through the motions of believing in the purpose of their work. Workers' genuine goals are to make enough money and benefits to provide for themselves and their families, which is very noble and healthy. But having to give up one's principal waking life to deeply and intensively devote oneself to something from which one doesn't really receive any emotional fulfillment is debilitating and corrosive to integrity and morals.
    Defenders of capitalism say working is a two-way contract where both sides choose to give something to get something they really want and need in return, so workers don't have a specific case that they are alienated. But the imbalance of power between workers and owners means workers are not equally in charge of their portion of that process. It's not two people initiating an agreement, it's one calling all the shots.
